Algebra: Chapter 11, Lesson 4, page 495.
Multiplying Radical Expressions
Remember that the `sqrt(ab) = sqrt(a)⋅sqrt(b)` and you can’t go wrong. Make sure that you simplify and identify perfect squares. Practice makes perfect. The steps can be stated as:
- Multiplying
- Factoring to find perfect square factors
- Identifying perfect squares
- Simplify
For example:
This becomes `sqrt(3⋅9⋅x^5) = sqrt(3⋅9⋅x^4⋅x)`
re-arraigning terms it looks like =`sqrt(9)⋅sqrt(x^4)⋅sqrt(3)⋅sqrt(x)`
and that finally simplifies to = `3x^2⋅sqrt(3x)`.
Click this link for some more explanation and practice!
Two of tonight’s homework problems solved by MrE are here! Just click it.
Algebra 1a: Chapter 9, Lesson 1, page 400.
Sets, Intersections and Unions
A set is a well-defined collection of objects called members or elements.
- Roster notation LISTS the members of the set.
- Set-Builder Notation gives a DESCRIPTION of how the set is built.
The intersection of 2 sets `A` and `B`, written `A ∩ B` is the set of all members that are COMMON to both sets. We say ” A intersection B”.
The union of 2 sets `A` and `B`, written `A ∪ B` is the set of all members that are in `A` or `B` or in both. If an intersection is EMPTY, we say the intersection is the empty set which is symbolized as `∅`.
All of these concepts are described here too with examples!
Two of tonight’s homework problems solved by MrE are here! Just click it!