Day 126 – March 14

Algebra: Chapter 11, Lesson 3, page 491.

Simplifying Radical Expressions

`sqrt(x^2)` = square root `(x^2)` = `x`

Its easy to simplify radicals. You can break up numbers and variables, because multiplication is commutative. If asked to find the `sqrt(100)` , we could break up `100` into `25 * 4`. We know that the `sqrt(25) = 5` and the `sqrt(4) = 2`, then the `sqrt(100) = 5 * 2 = 10`. You can do the same with variables that have exponents.

If asked to find the `sqrt` of a variable with even exponents, `sqrt(x^6)` for example, the answer is just the variable with the exponent divided in 2. So for `sqrt(x^6)`, the answer is `x^3`. If the variable has odd exponents, like `x^27`, convert that to `(x^26)*(x^1)` and then take the `sqrt(x^26) * sqrt(x^1) = (x^13)* sqrt(x)`.

See these examples (1/2 way down the page) too.

Here again is a great link from Purplemath.

Two of tonight’s homework problems solved by MrE are here! Just click it.


Algebra 1a: Chapter 9, Lesson 1, page 400.

Sets, Intersections and Unions

A set is a well-defined collection of objects called members or elements.

  • Roster notation LISTS the members of the set.
  • Set-Builder Notation gives a DESCRIPTION of how the set is built.

The intersection of 2 sets `A` and `B`, written `A ∩ B` is the set of all members that are COMMON to both sets. We say ” A intersection B”.

The union of 2 sets `A` and `B`, written `A ∪ B` is the set of all members that are in `A` or `B` or in both. If an intersection is EMPTY, we say the intersection is the empty set which is symbolized as `∅`.

All of these concepts are described here too with examples!

Two of tonight’s homework problems solved by MrE are here! Just click it!

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