Day 17 – September 14

Algebra 1: Chapter 2, Lessons 5 and Lesson 6, pages 77 and 81

Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers

Today is easy because the rules for multiplication and division are simple.

  • When multiplying 2 numbers AND if the SIGNS are the same, the product is ALWAYS positive.
  • If the signs are different, them the product is ALWAYS negative. This is pretty straightforward.

Division follows the same rules as multiplication.

2 rational numbers whose product is 1 are called multiplicative inverses or reciprocals of each other. Just flip the rational expression over and keep the same sign. For example, the reciprocal of `2/3` or `m/n` is `3/2 ` and `n/m` respectively.

Remember too, to divide rational numbers, sometimes its easier to express them as improper fractions, then convert the 2nd term to its reciprocal and change the `/` to a `⋅`.

Two of tonight’s homework problems solved by MrE are here! Just click it! has these tutorials about multiplying and dividing rational numbers, check it out!


Algebra 1a: Chapter 1, Lesson 8, page 38.

Reasoning Strategies

Reasoning Strategies to use:

Phase 1: UNDERSTAND the problem

  • What am I trying to find out?
  • What data am I given?
  • Have I ever solved a similar problem?

Phase 2: Develop and carry out a PLAN

  • What strategies might I use to solve the problem?
  • How can I correctly carry out the strategies I selected?

Phase 3: Find the ANSWER and CHECK

  • Does the proposed solution check?
  • What is the answer to the problem?
  • Does the answer seem reasonable?
  • Have I stated the answer clearly?

One of the most useful strategies is to DRAW A DIAGRAM of the situation.

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