Day 83

Algebra: Chapter 9-6 Review, p 421

We reviewed the problems from 9-6 again after taking Quiz 17/18. Lesson 6 is just like lesson 5, except we plot 2 inequalities on 1 graph. Where the 2 lines overlap is the solution to both.

See yesterday’s discussion as well ….

Math-8, Chapter 7-2, p 334

Solving 2-step equations

In solving 2 step equations, we are going to combine the steps of adding/subtracting and then multiplying/dividing to isolate the variable to one side of the equation. Remember, we do to both sides exactly the same thing, whether it is adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing. We should use the following as a guide:

  1. Decide what side of the equal sign you want to isolate the variable to, the left or right side.
  2. Add/subtract to get rid of terms (numbers) next to the variable that are separated from the variable by a + or – sign. For example, if the equation is 5 + 2a, then subtract 5 from both sides to just leave the 2a on one side of the equation.
  3. Once the variable is by itself on one side of the equation, it may still have constants either multiplied to it or divided by it. To get rid of these, do the opposite, if the term is like the 2a, then divide both sides by 2. If the term is like y/4, then do the opposite of divide and multiply both sides by 4!
  4. Remember to do the SAME operations to BOTH SIDES OF THE EQUATION!

Click here for some examples!

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