Day 146

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 11-8


Polygons are simple, closed sided figures (in a plane) that are formed with at least 3 line segments. The points of intersection are called the vertices (the plural of vertex).

A diagonal is a line segment that joins 2 NONCONSECUTIVE (not right next to each other) vertices. You can draw diagonals in any polygon with more than 3 sides.

If a polygon has “n” sides, the “n” – 2 triangles are formed and the sum of the degree measures of the interior angles of the polygon is (n – 2)*180°

Algebra: Chapter 13-5

Solving Rational Expressions

Remember, we solve rational equations by multiplying both sides by the LCM of all the denominators. This can result is a quadratic equations. Sometimes, there can be extraneous solutions, so … you should always check all possible solutions. Practice makes perfect, use ANY method to factor, box, tables, graphs, even the quadratic formula.

Here are some more examples too.

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