With Douglas, we flew from Bullhead up to the Grand Canyon for Mother’s Day on Saturday, May 9. Took the shuttle/taxi from GCN to the Rim. You pay a taxi fee (5.00) and a park entrance fee (6.00). Had lunch at the El Tovar Hotel. Lunch ends at 2:00 and we arrived at 1:45 p.m. Food is just OK, we split an Angus burger and Doug had a Club Sandwich on sourdough. It’s always amazing to see so many tourists from different countries. 2 men in a Bonanza shared our taxi. They were from Germany and were returning to Palo Alto that same afternoon. They had about 1/2 hour to see this natural treasure …
A little windy at the Canyon, waited for the winds to die down and left about 5:00 pm. A nice day for flying! We landed back at Bulhead about 7:30 p.m. and Douglas was back to Prescott by 8:45 p.m. For the rest of the evening, we went to the Riverside and saw the movie “Star Trek”!
I miss my mom today ….